

Another Quickie Trade

Most of my hobby time this week has been updating the want list, making a few customs, and finally writing some TTM requests, but I wanted to throw a quick post up on the blog before I start falling way behind again. So here's a really fast trade post to acknowledge some cards William (TCDB: madballboy) sent my direction.

First, the somewhat randoms. The Fernando Martinez is a SP that's been dogging me for some time. The Eusebio brings me oh-so-close to polishing off '94 Stadium Club, and the 1988 Fleer stickers is the version with Oakland's stadium on the back, which I was missing.

I like these inserts much better than all these pesky ALCS inserts that are dogging me in 2019 Heritage. I feel like I pulled 15 of them, and I still don't have the Game 1 win. I realized when cataloging my gains in this trade that I'd actually completed overlapping trades in which I picked up all three of these, but I'm not mad about it. It'll be fun to see if I can get any of them signed some day.

These, however, were all new additions. The Clemente is obviously for the PC, and I rather enjoy that it's a shot of him in the vest uniform. I've got to interject here and say that I cannot stand the version of the Astros logo that is used on the BP caps - it looks weird and foreign, like it should be some small airline or something. That said, I'm happy to finally track down George and Marwin's cards from the set. It'll be interesting to see if MarGo can rebound with Minnesota. The way Cleveland is coasting, Minnesota could have an outside shot at the AL Central this year.

Thanks for the cards, William!

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