I'm trying to get a bit better about posting trades as they arrive. Sure, there's still a healthy backlog stretching to January, but I figure it can't hurt to try and head that off at the pass and prevent it from continuing to grow. Or I could just stop trading until I'm caught up, but where's the fun in that?
As I've said dozens of times on this blog, the Matching tool over at TCDB is a phenomenal resource. I've started plenty of trades through the Recent Match feature. It's much more rare for me to go hunting for a specific card, however, but that's how this swap started off. You see, the other day Mark Armour sent a fun package my way - I still need to blog about that as well - but one of the cards he sent finished my "base" 2019 Heritage needs, and he also supplied one of the four short prints I was missing. I got to thinking about how great it would be to put an entire team set to rest fairly quickly, so I headed over to TCDB to try and track down the other SPs. If you pull up a card, you can access the listings for who has that card in their collection, on their want list, or in their for sale/trade listings.
That initial round of digging led me to a swap for the fourth of six Astros SPs in the set, Gerrit Cole. This came from Andy (BrewerAndy)* and leaves me needing just the Altuve and Correa cards. Hit me up if you've got them, please!
As I've said dozens of times on this blog, the Matching tool over at TCDB is a phenomenal resource. I've started plenty of trades through the Recent Match feature. It's much more rare for me to go hunting for a specific card, however, but that's how this swap started off. You see, the other day Mark Armour sent a fun package my way - I still need to blog about that as well - but one of the cards he sent finished my "base" 2019 Heritage needs, and he also supplied one of the four short prints I was missing. I got to thinking about how great it would be to put an entire team set to rest fairly quickly, so I headed over to TCDB to try and track down the other SPs. If you pull up a card, you can access the listings for who has that card in their collection, on their want list, or in their for sale/trade listings.
That initial round of digging led me to a swap for the fourth of six Astros SPs in the set, Gerrit Cole. This came from Andy (BrewerAndy)* and leaves me needing just the Altuve and Correa cards. Hit me up if you've got them, please!
* Yes, there's another one of you competing for Brewers cards. Although I bet this gives Tony and Matt someone upon whom they can potentially unload dupes.
I pulled out a stack of assorted stray Brewers, spanning the past 35 years of cardboard, and a chunk of 2018 / 2019 cards to send Andy in return for that SP, and also came up with a few more for myself off his trade list. There were two more Astros: a 2018 Donruss Optic Holo parallel of Dallas Keuchel, and a Topps Salute insert of RTA favorite J.D. Davis.
What's more, I found a couple set build cards on Andy's lists as well. The Ford goes into my attempt at accumulating all of the late 80's/early 90's legend sets: the '88-'90 Pacific and '89-'91 Swell runs, along with '91 Line Drive. The Scratch Off is another 2019 Heritage find, and brings me to 8 of 15 for that set. Progress!
Thanks again for the trade, Andy.
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